01/28/16 ~ Susan

Sparkling New Year!

Frosted Berries

I hope everyone had wonderful holidays and a great start to the New Year! I sympathize with those who had to deal with harsh winter conditions and an avalanche of snow in the Northeast and beyond. Charleston certainly had its share of bad weather this year, but snow was not in the mix.

The truth is, I enjoy chilly weather and snow during the winter—it allows you to appreciate the sunny beautiful days even more.

More on the positive side:

❄ Everything seems cozier inside when it’s cold and snowy outside.
❄ There’s nothing like the smell of comfort food wafting from the kitchen.
❄ A peaceful quietude permeates the air when it’s snowing.
❄ When it’s chilly outside, everything sparkles a little brighter.

02/19/15 ~ Susan

Happy New Year & Thank You!

Happy New Year sand drawing

Happy New Year!

Although it’s already February, the year is just beginning, and it’s not too late to make it a great 2015! Last year was a great year for my photography business, so I apologize for stepping away from this blog for a while. My excuse is that I was taking photographs and growing my business. For all of the customers who purchased my photography or stopped by to appreciate it, I want to say thank you! I never stop feeling excited and honored that people enjoy my photographs, and I never get tired of the generous compliments I’ve received. I’m dedicating this post to all of the wonderful people I met in 2014 and in the years before that, and I want to let each and every one of you know how appreciative I am. Photography inspires me, but you have kept my inspiration and creativity thriving.

I shot the photograph in this post last year while strolling along Pawley’s Island beach on New Year’s Day. I didn’t create the “sandi”-work, but I appreciate the unique handwriting it was created with and wanted to share it.

I’m looking forward to being back at the Charleston Farmer’s Market again this year, which starts on April 4. Hopefully, my dedication to my business, my photography, and to the market showed last year—I didn’t miss a single Saturday or Sunday all year. I look forward to seeing many of you back again this season!